What people say

“Claire has incredible insight into how other people think and behave. She makes you think hard about ingrained habits and preconceptions. Her approach is intellectual, robust and challenging – and really gets results.”

“Claire is adept at getting people and teams to excel. Through close personal coaching or energetic team based training she helps identify clear goals to focus on; provides you with a toolbox of practical techniques, language and communication styles that enable you achieve those goals; and takes time to support your continued development, encourages you to reflect upon your experiences, identify what you have learnt and build effective plans for continual improvement and development.”

“Claire is an inspiring coach. She works with presence and total attention, providing an ‘inquiring mirror’ that helps me see things clearly – sometimes the blindingly obvious that I was ignoring, and at other times different perspectives that I hadn’t considered, in a way that has created real breakthrough in my understanding of a situation and what I might do about it.”

…you have a touch of the ‘velvet glove’, in that you are able to move people beyond their comfort zone with the greatest of ease, and encourage people to dispense with their various bits of baggage that they carry around with them…

“Simply ‘doing’ what we can so easily rationalise about in our heads, as we rush around running after our busy lives, can be such a powerful tool. Since Tuesday your influence has definitely encouraged me to stop often in the day, plant my feet on the ground and just be. The inner guidance is quite, quite overpowering at times.”

“When I decided to leave my job and set up on my own, Claire helped to give me the confidence to make it actually happen. She was fantastic at allowing me to focus on what really mattered and find clarity at a complicated stage of my life! Our sessions were challenging and often exhausting, but also fun and always illuminating. What I really value is that I still, more than three years later, use some of the ideas and techniques from the coaching sessions to help me make decisions and make sense of what is going on around me.”